Our zones

The Beat

The Austnes Beat is long and varied. Here are big rocks, deep pools, quiet parts and streams. The beat is very well suited for fly fishing. If you rent the beat for a week or two, you and your compan-ions have exclusive access to two kilometres of shore. All of the 1 200 metre long stretch on the farm side belongs to Austnes, from the lower end of zone 1 below Austnes Waterfall all the way up to the top of Marka Pool. On the southern shore everyone may buy a fishing licence for zone 1, Austnes Waterfall. You and your company who rent Austnes Beat can also fish there; it is part of the package. The only stretch not included as of today, is the eastern shore of zone 3, Austnes Stream, which is hired by the local hunters and anglers association.

The Austnes Waterfall - Zone 1

No spot in the Verdal River has larger fame than Austnes waterfall. This is where the first foreign fishermen arrived with their 5-6 metre long bamboo rods without reels. When fishing is allowed from 1 June, there is often a considerable amount of salmon on their way to jump up the waterfall. Not too long ago, 26 salmon were taken during the first day of fishing, all between 7 and 15 kilos. Zone 1 is also favourable later in the season when water levels increase after periods of low levels. At medium flow of water or more, the river constitutes two courses with a separate little pool in the southern course. Here you find the Tora Cliff, named after Swedish Tora Sjødin. She was an able fisherwoman and her “own” cliff was her favourite spot. On the southern shore by the camping ground you will also find places to sit down and a “gapahuk”, a shelter, were you and your friends and/or family may discuss the day’s catch or plan the next attack. PS. The first 50 metres downstream from the waterfall is not open to fishing.

The Ivar Bend - Zone 2

This bend is a natural resting place for the salmon after negotiating the waterfall. It has its name after today’s grandfather at Austnes. Ivar has landed innumerable salmon in this zone and knows it better than anyone. The pebble shore on the eastern side of the bend is perfectly suited for beginners in fly fishing. On the farm side, vegetation is dense close to the river, so spey casting is preferable. It was in this zone Ivar hooked the biggest salmon he has ever seen. He had gone down to the river to try his luck for a little while before receiving guests at the house. After having played the salmon for an hour, the guests started arriving. Liv came down to the river to fetch him. He had to tighten the line. The salmon went out the waterfall and was gone. At the top of Ivar Bend is the Sereanna Rock. Sereanna was the great great grandmother of today’s youngest at Austnes. She was a wizard at angling, and always from this rock. Sereanna also had a reputation for being enormously strong. At one time she is said to have killed an ox calf with her bare hands. Not many dared tease her. Ivar Bend has a brand new gapahuk. “A natural resting place for the salmon after negotiating the waterfall”

The Austnes Stream Zone 3

In this zone you don’t have access to both sides of the river. The eastern shore is rented by the local hunters and anglers association. The upper part is calm. Further down the water gains speed. Here, there are a number of large rocks where salmon fancy resting. This zone is best fished at medium and high water flows. Austnes Stream is not the easiest to wade. Luckily, fish mostly lie on the farm side, so you don’t need to cast so far. If you hook a big one here, chances are you will have an exciting journey along the river. “If you hook a big one here, chances are you will have an exciting journey along the river”

The Blåmel Pool Zone 4

The mention of Blåmel Pool leaves many an angler misty-eyed. A good number of the largest salmon in Verdal River have been caught here. From year to year, several specimen in the 20 kilo class may be seen. However, getting them on shore is another story. If you want to see the really big salmon roll over at sunrise, Blåmel Pool is the place to be. You may also spend the night in the timber cabin by the shore or light an evening fire by the gapahuk. This stretch offers favourable fishing at all water levels. The salmon finds natural resting spots at both high and low river. Ivar relates about a Swede who came to Austnes for the first time. He was a keen fisher-man, but had never caught a salmon. “Come with me,” Ivar said. They went down to Blåmel Pool. The fisherman was instructed to begin where the road from the farm flattens by the shore and continue downstream. “When you come to that rock in the river, you should pay extra attention,” Ivar said. “That’s where it lies.” Indeed. When he came to the rock, the salmon took the fly. Ivar is happy to show you this rock any time.

The Marka Pool and Marka Stream Zone 5

Marka Pool is broad and quiet-flowing, with vegetation on both sides. On this stretch there is a deep channel near the southern shore. Here is salmon, but this is one of the more demanding stretches to fish and one has to be careful. At dusk, fish move downstream towards the lower end of the pool. Marka Stream has two runs at medium and high water levels. Then an island is formed in the river. In the largest run the stream is lively, with several big rocks where salmon lie to rest. The smaller run towards the forest on the southern shore is calmer. Fish go here when the river is high. And here you may have company: from the forest above you, roars from the numerous red deer may be heard.

Our other accommodation offers:

Salmon cabin

The salmon cabins are our largest cabins with a bathroom. Right on the river bank, you make your own food in your own kitchen, or order food from our local suppliers. The cabins have their own bathroom with toilet and shower.

Pilgrim hut

Our pilgrim cabins are very cozy and inviting. They are located right on the river. You have full access to shared sanitary facilities. It is possible to park right outside the door and it is only a few meters from the bed to the first cast after the big salmon. The cabins have electricity and heating.


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Austnesbakkan 18, 7660 Vuku